Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Selling Experience

As I am sitting in Barnes and Nobles, I think..wait..why am I choosing to sit in this one particular book store? After all, isn't the library just down the street and closer to my home or could I not have stayed at home to do my work? I realize, Barnes and Nobles isn't just a store. It's been a experience thats has me sold.

I go there not to just study, I go there because the experience of Barnes and Nobles ties in with my idealistic "good" study spot. Coffee (that I dish out money for), books, and people who are unusually chatty, and an incredible uncomfortable table..again..why am i here?

For all your marketing bloggers out there. Yes an experience can be sold. A product is just not enough anymore for modern day consumers. When companies begin to associate certain quintessential experiences to their brand, their brand becomes a leader in their respective industry. Case and point, Olive Garden. Much of their alloted commercial time is spent on a group shot of 4 or more individuals laughing and having a "good" time, thus leading the consumer to associate that their experience will be like the paid actors on TV.

Furthermore, the Great Pepsi vs Coke debate comes into mind. Both companies are in one industry and selling a product that is virtually identical. Yet, you get the die hard coke or pepsi drinkers. WHY? one reason comes to mind and its because of the stigma (good or bad) attached to both the companies. However, the coke vs pepsi will never be won. The debate will forever go on because Pepsi and Coke brand will forever be changing their image through commercials, product design, etc.

so bloggers, ask yourself this: how and what experiences have been sold to you?